
Variable prefixes 변수명에 붙이는 접두사 관련 스크랩

띠리 2007. 4. 12. 18:50


변수 또는 객체

i 정수형 첨자(Integer 또는 Long 형식)
h 핸들
ord             ordinal(a numeric identification code used when the specific value is unimportant except to distinguish the variable from others)
x, y 점의 x, y 좌표
dx, dy x와 y좌표에 의한 델타(혹은 거리)  (dx 는 너비, dy 는 높이)
f Boolean
af 비트 플래그(비트에 의해 표현되는 Boolean 배열)
r 실수(Single 또는 Double 형)
b Byte 형
v Variant 형
cur 통화(Currency 형)
time 시간(time)
date 날짜(Date)
dt 시간과 날짜 혼합(Date and time combined)
s 문자열(String 형)
p 포인터(API 함수에서 Long 변수)
cmd 단추(Button)
chk 체크 상자(Check Box)
txt 텍스트 상자(Text Box)
pb 그림 상자(Picture Box)
pic picture 개체
lst 목록 상자(List Box)
cbo 콤보 상자(combo box)
lbl 레이블(label)
mnu 메뉴(menu)
tmr 타이머(timer)
opt 옵션 단추(option button. 혹은 라디오 단추(radio button))
c 카운트
A 배열


Prefix  Type  Description  Example  

ch  char  8-bit character  chGrade  
ch  TCHAR  16-bit character if _UNICODE is defined  chName
b  BOOL  Boolean value  bEnabled
n  int  Integer (size dependent on operating system)  nLength
n  UINT  Unsigned value (size dependent on operating system)  nLength  
w  WORD  16-bit unsigned value  wPos  
l  LONG  32-bit signed integer  lOffset  
dw  DWORD  32-bit unsigned integer  dwRange  
p  *  Pointer  pDoc  
lp  FAR*  Far pointer  lpDoc  
lpsz  LPSTR  32-bit pointer to character string  lpszName  
lpsz  LPCSTR  32-bit pointer to constant character string  lpszName  
lpsz  LPCTSTR  32-bit pointer to constant character string if _UNICODE is defined  lpszName
h  handle  Handle to Windows object  hWnd  
lpfn  callback  Far pointer to CALLBACK function  lpfnAbort

b or f—used as a prefix for booleans (f stands for flag).
c—used as a prefix to chars.1
n—used as a prefix to shorts.
h—used as a prefix for a handle. Handles in Win32 are numbers used to identify resources or
windows. They are not pointers or pointers to pointers. Think of them as ID numbers.
l—used as a prefix to a long.
w—used as a prefix to a word.
dw—used as a prefix to a double word.
s—used as a prefix to a string.
sz—used as a prefix to a null-terminated string.2
p—used as a prefix to a pointer.
lp—used as a prefix to a long pointer (this is the same as a pointer in Win32 and is a relic
from Win16).
fn—used as a prefix to function parameters.

m_—all member variables are preceded with an m_.
On—all message handlers function should be preceded with On (e.g., OnSize). Note
however, that not all functions that begin with On are true Win32 message handlers. For
example OnInitialUpdate is not a Win32 message handler, and there is no corresponding
WM_INITIALUPDATE Windows message.